Donate in Honor of Our 20th Anniversary image

Donate in Honor of Our 20th Anniversary

Supporting Contemporary Art in Creating a Just World


We're Celebrating 20 Years!

It's pretty remarkable that we have not only made it to 20 years but are also thriving! Our Caribbean Carnival fundraiser is an opportunity to honor how far we've come and rooting as an organization that practices joy, care and moving towards liberation. Joy and liberation are important to the history of carnival.

Threewalls, an evolving Blk feminist led-space, fosters contemporary art practices that respond to lived experiences, encouraging connections beyond art. As an arts non-profit in Chicago, Threewalls practices values that support our daily operations, guide our decisions, and ultimately, tells our community who are and how we move in the world. Threewalls provides support to artists, produces innovative programming, and creates a space for artists and creatives to thrive.

We thank you for your support!